Cloud transformation

Cloud transformation
Agility and flexibility with well-designed cloud solutions.
Cloud solutions (private, public or hybrid) help you optimize the time-to-market for the introduction of your new offers and products and to enjoy a high level of agility (elasticity) of your IT resources allowing you to quickly adapt to the variability of your business.
We help you design, set up and operate the appropriate Cloud solutions for your enterprise so you get the best value from the latest technologies and the offering of specialized Cloud operators.
- Reduce time-to-market necessary for the development of your business,
- Provide a reliable, available and secure Cloud solutions,
- Smooth integration of Cloud solutions with existing systems,
- Easy and efficient operations of your IT systems,
- Getting the best value from increasingly constrained budgets.
- Application Mapping,
- Customer support to build its migration strategy to the cloud,
- Preparation of environments to be migrate to the cloud,
- Choice of hosting solutions and the hosting operator,
- Securing the infrastructure to put in the cloud,
- Design and implementation of the service catalog and self-service portal,
- Definition and implementation of interfaces with existing systems,
- Switches applications on cloud infrastructures,
- Change management.
Customer Benefits
- Improved business agility,
- Greater efficiency: better matching between capacity and actual need,
- Planning and cost control,
- Increased reliability and security,
- Reliable disaster recovery,
- Increased quality and consistency.